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Click Laboratory

Email Acquisition on Facebook

The Campaign We Use To Unlock a 40% Conversion Rate With Christian Leaders

(We will show you how we did it)

Mastering Email Acquisition on Facebook

Why Download This Ebook?

If you’re like most leading companies, email marketing is crucial for converting contacts into leads. Building a robust email database is essential for growth, and buying email lists is not a sustainable option.

In our digital lab, we’ve perfected a strategy using Facebook to generate above a 40% conversion rate for email collection, and it works exceptionally well for B2B companies, especially those targeting Christian business leaders.

Download our free ebook and start building a thriving contact list that will keep your boss and sales team happy!

What You’ll Learn:

  • Targeting the Right Audience: Learn how to identify and target active users to maximize your reach.
  • Designing Effective Landing Pages: Get tips on designing simple yet effective landing pages that convert.
  • Optimizing Conversions: Understand the steps to ensure your landing page maximizes conversions.
  • Building a Robust Email Campaign: Learn how to nurture your new contacts with a well-structured email campaign.

Download the Ebook

Download Click Laboratory’s Facebook Email Acquisition Guide to begin collecting email contacts.

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